Go inside the invite-only, climate tech summit in Seattle hosted by Bill Gates’ Breakthrough Energy
Lisa Stiffler, GeekWire –
Inside a Seattle waterfront center cloaked in wildfire smoke, climate tech innovators and investors came together this week at the Breakthrough Energy Summit.
The event was a chance to share news about cutting-edge technologies being developed and deployed to help save a warming Earth. They included dairy proteins produced by plants, fish-safe hydro-power turbines, airplane fuel made from corn waste, and carbon-negative cement.
The summit was organized by Breakthrough Energy, a Bill Gates-led initiative that is providing funding, research, mentoring and policy support for decarbonizing tech. The platform’s venture capital arm has raised more than $2 billion in funding and invested in 105 companies. An additional $1 billion is being issued as grants and low-return capital to companies in its catalyst program. Its fellows initiative has matched 63 business and innovation experts to develop nascent tech.
Read the full article here.